Thursday, August 02, 2007

A confederacy of coaches: Stephen Post on the radar of The Christian Science Monitor, and then comes Jack, and Sarano's in town, too

Researchers say giving leads to a healthier, happier life -- Last week, The Christian Science Monitor ran a review of Stephen Post's latest book 'Why good things happen to good people.' Stephen recently met the bloggers, back on Flag Day, and we had a great discussion that definitely needs to be continued; we merely scratched the surface. I feel so good when our local writers get noticed in national publications. I get the sense that it's all happening right here, right now, and we're at the epicenter.

At the table that day was our friend and fellow blogger Jack Ricchiuto whose sixth book, Conscious Becoming, subsequently came out in July. Gloria just picked up a copy yesterday, and it's autographed. (as is Stephen's, too, by the way.) I also just got word late last night that Jack will MeetTheBloggers on August 16th, two months and two days after Stephen. Details will follow on, or whatever those yahoos call it these days.

Finally, after Gloria scored Jack's book yesterday in the early morning, in the mid-morning we hiked on over to The Embassy Suites off Rockside to see our friend and coach Sarano Kelley, from whom we picked up a new copy (3rd printing) of The Game: Win your life in 90 days. This copy will go to Jack, whom, along with Valdis, we must introduce to Sarano. This can be a truly powerful network.

It's all converging. Right here. Right now. In Cleveland and in Columbus and in Pittsburgh. Stay tuned.

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