Saturday, June 02, 2007

well, isn't that special . . .

Blogger & Podcaster -- I just stumbled across this magazine catering to a new target market. They emailed me a complimentary access to the online interactive edition, and I would imagine you could get one, too. It turns out that blogs are becoming a driving force in "moving the masses." They also act as the filtration system for choosing podcasts. The content here in B&P validates what your gut already knows, and it's comforting. George Nemeth was (and still is) years ahead of his time creating the synergy between BFD and the other area blogs with MTB. Such a smart boy, such a mother's angel . . ."This is a nice boy. This is a good boy. This is a mother's angel. And I want the world to know once and for all, and without any shame, that we love him."

1 comment:

  1. thanks, and thanks for letting me know about the pub. i signed up for the rss and podcast, but i'll be darned if i'm gonna pay $80 for a print subscription...
