Monday, June 26, 2006

who's aggregating here at Planet NEO?

Planet NEO--Pho wants to know: What it is?


  1. OK, I'll answer my own question: The answer is right below Pho's entry in the blogroll on the right side: Rob Hawkins, at

    This is kind of like in the old days, the '80s, when my daughters accused me of sending faxes to myself to simulate that I was employed and had business associates--imaginary business friends, my own proprietary circle of masters of the universe, pathetic pending new-business lists. They really knew how to hurt a guy. They really knew their dad.

  2. Hey Tim,

    Yes, that is me. I didn't see anything referring to Planet NEO on Pho's blog.

    I pull feeds once an hour for Planet NEO. If you would rather not have me pull your feed on Planet NEO, I can take you off. email me at rbh at

  3. Rob, your feeds are fine with me. As a matter of fact, I sense that you have exquisite taste when it comes to selecting blog content. I like the way you have the aggregator set up. It's not only a time-saver--it's interesting.
