Saturday, January 06, 2007

still hating the Blogger Beta-That's-Out-Of-Beta-They-Say

This morning, I thought a long-standing problem of the Blogger beta had finally been rectified; I thought the "BlogThis" or "Send to Blogger" feature of Blogger was functional. I jubilantly did my "send to," made the appropriate links, fine-tuned my deathless prose, and found that...

Required field must not be blank
Stop showing errors for this post
was the new order of the day, the new dysfunctionality, the latest hangup, preventing me from completing my posting.
You'd think they could do better, given the huge client base. Then I remembered, I don't pay them anything for all this, and I can't really make a lot of demands.

1 comment:

  1. my friend had the same problem. clear explorer's cache and it should work!
