Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Cambridge immigrant sanctuary policy criticized - The Boston Globe

Cambridge immigrant sanctuary policy criticized - The Boston Globe: There are a number of interesting issues swirling around here. It reminds me that Dr. John Green, in his recent MTB session, thought that immigration was the sleeper issue in the senate race in Ohio. Read the whole article and give it some thought--there's a lot there to ponder. An excerpt--

"The billboard campaign is another sign of how the debate over illegal immigration is increasingly being played out at the local level, in this case over sanctuary status of cities. With Congress deadlocked, cities and towns are increasingly taking on the issue themselves. Some, including Burlington, Vt. , Maywood, Calif., and San Antonio have moved to declare welcomes for undocumented immigrants.
In some cases, declarations of cities and towns as sanctuaries explicitly state that local law enforcement officers should not involve themselves in immigration matters . Other declarations have been less specific expressions of support for the causes of undocumented immigrants.
Cambridge's May 8 declaration, which renewed a sanctuary city designation first established in 1985, called for a moratorium on immigration raids by federal authorities pending comprehensive reform, affirmed the human rights of undocumented immigrants, and condemned legislation passed by the US House in December that would crack down on illegal immigration.
Nelsen said he would like to expand the campaign to target other cities that have declared themselves welcoming to immigrants.
``It's outrageous that these localities can just decide they're going to opt out of the law of the land,' Nelsen said."

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