Sunday, September 03, 2006

earnin' the name, but not learnin'

Eyesore of the Month by James Howard Kunstler
The Kunstler link here shows us a picture, in a photograph, of the tackiness, the vacuity that gambling brings. He then paints a word picture of how we as a nation have earned a reputation. This is a reputation we need to live down. Prostrating ourselves before the false promise of deliverance by gambling is not the way to do it. Here's Kunstler:
Looking North on Las Vegas Boulevard, the "Strip." The
educated coastal public thinks that evangelical Christianity is America's number
one religion. They are wrong. It is the Worship of Unearned Riches, and Las
Vegas is its holy city. The belief that it is possible to get something for
nothing is more potent in our land than the belief that the Son of God will
return to rescue mankind. The Religion of Unearned Riches was established here
in the desert by organized crime. It has turned us into a nation of slobs,
clowns, patsies, and cravens. Las Vegas is what we have become. Is it any wonder
that the rest of the world despises us?

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